Our Unique Digital Science Books and Student Workbooks

Discover a completely unique range of digital science books aimed at Key Stage 3 students (in the UK that is ages 11-14) and 14+ years. The content of the books follows the Cambridge science curriculum for physics, biology and chemistry. What is unique about these books is that they teach science with a focus on true literacy by ensuring that all key words in the topic are fully explained including their Latin or Greek roots. And what's more, each book comes with the following:

  • A complete student workbook which will take the student through the textbook.  The student has to simply follow the workbook step-by-step and do each activity called for.
  • Hand-drawn and fun illustrations throughout.
  • Definitions of science words with their Latin or Greek roots and a full glossary.
  • Exercises and drills to learn to THINK with the information and learn to apply the data. No rote learning.

The materials come with clear explanations of how to proceed through each textbook and workbook. This method is ideal for those students who want to learn at their own pace, for homeschooling and even for teachers and schools who would like to implement this programme in their institution. If you have any question about this programme, email us at hello@stemiteracy.org.

You will be hard-pressed to find any similar books on the market. They are very reasonably priced for ease of accessibility by everyone. Examine the materials for yourself.


 Sample chapter from theYear 7 Physics book (11-12 years) - Physics Part I: Energy

and its accompanying workbook.

Simply browse the digital books below, and add to the basket those you wish to purchase. Once through checkout, you will receive digital pdf versions of the books and accompanying workbooks. Should you have any problem with your purchase, simply email hello@stemiteracy.org.

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